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Squarespace vs. WordPress: What You Need to Know

When it comes to building the perfect website to represent a brand across all corners of the Internet, small and medium-sized businesses owners essentially have two core options available to them: Squarespace and WordPress. Both allow almost an unparalleled level of control over website design and creation, but each one brings something unique to the table that is worth exploring.


Perhaps the major factor that separates Squarespace from WordPress is also the most important to small businesses in particular — cost. While it’s true that you can get WordPress up and running for free, this doesn’t mean that your site will come at no cost. If you’re not self hosting, you’ll need to pay a hosting company. If you want a custom domain, you’ll need to pay for that. Themes, storage, bandwidth — everything will be purchased piecemeal. Squarespace is definitely more convenient in this regard, as everything is included in one of two website and two commerce packages that you can choose from depending on your needs.

User Friendliness

Despite the fact that both platforms are powerful, Squarespace comes out ahead in terms of sheer user friendliness alone. Once your site is up and running, making changes is an absolute breeze. Making any changes you want via WordPress is possible, but it is also time consuming and requires a fairly steep learning curve.

User friendliness and the ability to make rapid changes is particularly important in terms of SEO, where the “rules” tend to change all the time. If Google rolls out another algorithm update without warning and you find yourself inadvertently breaking a lot of new rules, you need to be able to respond as quickly as possible. Squarespace gives you that ability. With WordPress, the process is hardly overnight.


Another way that Squarespace comes out ahead is in terms of support. Most support for WordPress will come via third parties — YouTube videos, user forums and more. Squarespace, on the other hand, gives you access to a 24 hour a day, seven day a week support team included as part of your monthly subscription.


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