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Why Facebook Ads Should Be A Priority In 2017!

One of the natural challenges present in modern day marketing has to do with the fact that you’re essentially trying to hit a moving target at all times. Just when you think you’ve found THE single platform to get the attention of your base audience, consumer behavior shifts and you’re back where you started. Google Adwords used to be that platform, but enthusiasm has cooled recently. Before the Internet there was print, television and radio ads and more — all of which have fallen victim to the fractured attention of today’s digital-savvy consumers.

These days, Facebook ads have quickly emerged as the go-to platform for digital marketers looking to increase revenue, engagement, conversions and more for a number of compelling reasons.

Facebook Advertising: By the Numbers

Why is Facebook an important platform for modern day advertisers? It has a lot to do with statistics like these:

  • There are roughly 1.39 BILLION active Facebook users per month.
  • The total number of active mobile users per month is every bit as impressive, coming in at approximately 1.19 billion.
  • Facebook alone not only makes up roughly 9% of total digital ad spending, but also over 18% of global mobile digital advertising as well.
  • As of 2015, the average Facebook ad cost-per-click was just $0.64.
  • The average cost per thousand impressions was roughly $7.29.
  • These are impressive numbers that others have started to notice, too — as evidenced by the fact that an incredible 75% of ALL global brands now make an effort to promote their Facebook posts on a regular basis.

Good Example Of A Recent Post For Our Dental Client:

*post is in initial stages of ramping up and has only used 10% budget as of 12/29/16…REMINDER: Just spending money is not the solution. Quality content your audience will engage with plus an added couple bucks is a start…

You can learn more about my digital agency, HERE


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