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Is Socia Media Important For Your Business?

Social media is incredibly important to your business

Whether you're a solopreneur, the owner of a local bakery, or the VP of marketing at a Fortune 500 corporation. Social media is a little over a decade old but didn't rise to prominence as a way to promote a business until the late 2000's. Here's why social media presence and management is direly important for your business.

It's simply a way for people to find you. 

No one can visit your website or physical location if they don't know how to reach you. Social media presence and interactions will be among the first things that come up in a SERP (search engine results page.) Someone can simply find out about you through someone's Twitter or Facebook feed instead of an organic search, as well.

Social media can be a fun way to find new prospects and customers. 

Nothing on social media ever truly dies but it is a little more flash in the pan than email marketing, and can be used for both inbound and outbound digital marketing efforts. It's integral for finding new prospects by simply looking up relevant hashtags and following prominent accounts that have the kind of customers you want to have. But you can have a lot of fun in the process going by what's trending and getting creative.

Social media is a demonstration of your interpersonal and customer service skills. 

How business owners interact with their customers on social media is extremely public and you want this aspect to work in your favor. If a customer is unhappy, it's prime time to show off your customer service skills and people will see this. Happy customers can also tell you how much they like your business, and the more people talk about your business the higher your search ranking will be and the more likely people are to find you.

You can find out exactly what customers want

Social media is open and public. You can just ask a prospect what they'd like to see done differently or what other businesses are not giving them. So long as you sound friendly and approachable instead of sales-y, it's a great way to gain followers organically AND capitalize on what they want.
Learn how to use hashtags to your advantage, HERE


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