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Top Local SEO Strategies Your Biz Can Benefit From?

At this point, the power of not only SEO but local SEO in particular is far too important to ignore. As of 2019, about 46% of all searches on Google involve people looking for local information. A massive 88% of the people who find your business via a local search on a mobile device will either call or visit within the next 24 hours according to that exact same study. So not only is local SEO a great way to help the right people find your business in the first place, but it's also a perfect opportunity to rocket them down the sales funnel and move them closer to a sale than ever. But if you really want to make sure that your local SEO efforts are optimized in 2019 and beyond, there are a few key things you'll want to keep in mind. your best local seo strategies for the new year The most immediate thing you should do (if you have not already done so) involves adding location pages to your website. If your business operates a physical location within a particular city,
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