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Showing posts from November, 2017

6 reasons your medical practice needs digital marketing

In the medical field, marketing used to solely mean running radio and newspaper ads. Times are changing and medical practices are adapting to the evolving marketing tactics. In this digital era, it is important for your practice to leverage the tools you have at your disposal. 1. MORE PATIENTS ONLINE More and more patients search online now-a-days. Your patients or potential patients are asking Google, Yahoo, and Bing where and how to resolve their medical issues now more than ever. With the increase in recent years of people searching for help online, why would you not attempt to capitalize on them? 2. EASIER TO TARGET Digital marketing allows you to hone in your marketing efforts to just your target audience. You can be more effective with your targeted messages on just the channels your audience is spending their most time online. Also, certain channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow you to show your ads to specific crowds based on demographics, int