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Showing posts from August, 2017

Learn How To Maximize Your Time On Facebook?

Even with the rise in different social media platforms, Facebook is still a leader in the industry. With everybody you know and follow posting on Facebook constantly, your feed can be cluttered at times. As a digital marketing company, we spend quite a bit of time on Facebook managing our clients’ social media, engaging with followers, finding relevant content, or creating Facebook ads. We need to be efficient just like you. Luckily, Facebook has ways to help cut through the chaos and optimize our time. Let’s check out how you can do just that! SET PREFERENCES Your News Feed is the home base for your Facebook experience. With the right adjustments to your preferences, you can have a smoother, more enjoyable, and productive experience. Click on the downward arrow in the top-right corner of the page to drop down a menu bar and then choose “News Feed Preferences” Another way to make the same action is on the left sidebar, you can click on the triple dots next to “News Feed” and

Why Your Social Following Is More Than A Number?!

A large following might look good at first glance, but you should take a deeper look by asking the right questions. Building a strong social media presence is more about creating an engaged online community of people that interact with your brand. A fully engaged following of 500 people is much more valuable than a following of 5,000 people who never take a second look at your brand. Companies that buy followers are basically putting lipstick on a pig. Let’s take a look at the questions you need to ask to better understand how effective your online presence is! HOW MANY LIKES PER POST? A way you can gauge how much attention your posts are getting is to measure how many likes, favorites, upvotes (depending which social media platform you are measuring) per post you have. Whether you actually do the math or do a simple eye test, you want to have people liking your posts. When somebody likes your post, that shows you that they internalized it enough to show you some appreciation. If

Learn How Linkedin Can Help With Growing Your Biz?!

LinkedIn is a fantastic platform for B2B marketing. Users are engaged on LinkedIn more than any other social media platform. LinkedIn is a place for learning how to enhance your business or career instead of entertainment. When running a small to medium size business, you can significantly build your brand, credibility, and trust through LinkedIn when done the right way. HERE ARE SOME HELPFUL TIPS TO EXECUTE YOUR LINKEDIN MARKETING CAMPAIGN. CONTENT The only way for people to notice you is by generating and pushing out content. The more valuable and engaging the content is, the more beneficial it is for your business. When people click the like or share button, many more people who are not in your immediate network will view your content. This ultimately builds your brand awareness. There are multiple forms of content that are LinkedIn members will relate and engage with. Blogs Case Studies Webcasts How to videos COMPANY PAGES Setting up a company page is free. Be sure