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What Does SEO really Mean...?

If you have done the slightest research on how to improve your company’s online presence, you have probably read about how search engine optimization (SEO) is quite important. You most likely had a vague understanding of what it means. Here is your chance to fully understand what the almighty SEO means and how it can help your business grow exponentially.

DEFINITION-Search engine optimization means the methods that you execute to obtain better rankings for your website to reach the top of organic search results. The purpose of SEO is to have your website seen and interacted with by individuals who are in need of your products or service. The more organic web traffic you can get, the more chances at purchases being made or building your brand.

  • 90% of searchers click on the organic results instead of the paid ad results.
  • Over 90% of searchers click on a link on page 1.
  • 1/3 of searchers click on the first organic result.
  • Over 60% of searchers click on one of the first 3 results.
  • There are FIVE AND A HALF BILLION search queries a day.


Search engines have a distinct purpose, give the searcher what they need to answer their question and solve their problem. All the search engines have their own particular algorithm to put the right information in front of the searcher. You will want to have your business indexed into all of them, at least the major ones like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, to make sure you can reach your max potential target audience. Your website will not show up if it is not indexed. Search engines have “bots” scan all the indexed sites for content and links to and from other websites.


When the “bots” scan your content, they are determining the topics that are covered by specifying the keywords. They also examine the coding on the back end of the website picking up the metadata for more in-depth relevance of the topic coverage. This includes tags, markups, and images’ alt-text. After examining all the content, search engines will place a value of relevance for your website.


The more links to and from your site are not what the search engine is looking for; it is looking for the quality of links to and from your website. What would be a high-quality link, you ask? Huffington Post, New York Times, or any other site that has established authority. Every inbound link counts as a positive endorsement, but the way to build credit in the eyes of Google is to have incoming links from high-quality websites. After examining the quality of links, inbound and outbound, search engines will place a value of authority for your site.

Search engines have about 900 factors they use to calculate the importance and relevance of a website. There are a few that are more important than others though.

Here they are:
  • Content
  • Links
  • Structure
  • Location
  • Optimized Mobile Website
  • Loading Speed
  • Server AccessibilitySocial Network Credibility (bet you didn’t know it counted that😜)


Your website is only as good as the content it provides. The most important concept you should ABSOLUTELY never forget is that your content should add real value to the reader. Having valuable content will improve your credibility which in turn promotes your brand. It is important to have a large quantity of content on your website, but it all goes to waste if it is not good quality. Converting leads into sales always starts with solving people's’ problems.


Think about your own personal experience? How often do you type something into Google? Do you usually find the answer that you're looking for? If you can prove to search engines that you are a quality company that solves a want or a need for consumers(users), it will send customers to your front door step. People are coming to you instead of the other way around. To become a trusted website in the eyes of search engines, it takes continuous optimization and adding valuable content to your site.



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