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Showing posts from January, 2017

Social Media - Your Content Delivery Mechanism!

As the number of worldwide social media users approaches 2.5 billion by as soon as 2018, more businesses than ever are turning to sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more to broaden their appeal and reach a whole new audience. If you think that being active on social media is JUST about sending out as many tweets as possible, or about getting as many people to share your Facebook post as you can, you’re sadly mistaken. You need to think about social media less as a button that you occasionally press and more as the content delivery mechanism it has evolved into. SOCIAL VIDEO: THE BATTLEFIELD OF THE 21ST CENTURY By the end of the year, 74% of all traffic on the Internet will be video — when you begin to look at Facebook Live, Snapchat and all of the other services currently offering live video distribution, it’s easy to see why. Social video is about to become one of THE most powerful ways to reach your audience using the foundation of social media to your advantage.

Is Your Biz Positioned For Future Of SEO?

One of the major challenges that marketers have faced for about as long as SEO has existed is that they're essentially trying to hit a moving target. The definition of "quality SEO practices" is constantly changing, making it difficult to keep up if you aren't paying as much attention as possible. Gone are the days where keywords were your number one asset and even the era where mobile friendliness reigned seems to be evolving into something else entirely, as evidenced by things like Google Home. If your SEO work isn't being optimized for the future, neither are your marketing efforts... Pic By CC WHAT IS GOOGLE HOME? Google Home is more than just a digital assistant - it's essentially Google going "all in" on voice-only search. Considering that the vast majority of relationships between a consumer and a business begin with a search engine, this is absolutely something you need to be aware of moving forward. In many ways, optimizing your

An Important Video Marketing Tip You Shouldn't Ignore!

When trying to create effective video marketing content for your business, you may be used to hearing a long list of things you have to do to be successful. From creating the perfect narrative to showing your customers who you are as a company, the whole process can be intimidating for many small business owners. But the truth of the matter is, video marketing doesn't have to be a drag. The last thing you want to do as a small business owner is to avoid creating new content that your customers can engage with. So instead of waiting for everything to line up perfectly before shooting your first video, take a leap and dive right in. THE BEST VIDEO MARKETING TIP: STOP WORRYING AND HIT RECORD While you sit and worry about creating the best video marketing content on the Internet, other small businesses are putting videos out there and may very well be engaging with your customer base. It is important to keep in mind that some content online is much better than none at all,