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Showing posts from December, 2016

Why Facebook Ads Should Be A Priority In 2017!

One of the natural challenges present in modern day marketing has to do with the fact that you’re essentially trying to hit a moving target at all times. Just when you think you’ve found THE single platform to get the attention of your base audience, consumer behavior shifts and you’re back where you started. Google Adwords used to be that platform, but enthusiasm has cooled recently. Before the Internet there was print, television and radio ads and more — all of which have fallen victim to the fractured attention of today’s digital-savvy consumers. These days, Facebook ads have quickly emerged as the go-to platform for digital marketers looking to increase revenue, engagement, conversions and more for a number of compelling reasons. Facebook Advertising: By the Numbers Why is Facebook an important platform for modern day advertisers? It has a lot to do with statistics like these: There are roughly 1.39 BILLION active Facebook users per month. The total number of active mobile

Agency News - New E-Commerce Site Live!

Website design and development is something that we do here at Christopher August and actually we were awarded top website design in Indianapolis 2016. This project was unique in that we had the opportunity to partner with two IPD SWAT team members and design a new website for their recently created product, Triggersafe™. ABOUT TRIGGERSAFE™: Triggersafe™ is a unique, patent pending device designed to safely and completely cover the trigger of AR-15 rifles. Triggersafe™ is designed to help avoid negligent discharges during times when we do not have positive control of the rifle that can occur during training, range time, dry fire, transportation or storage. Triggersafe™ was designed and used by veteran police officers who have been involved in lethal police action shootings with long guns. NEW SITE: Take A Look, HERE Learn More About Our Web Development And Design HERE

Are You Optimizing Your Blog? Learn How!

When most people think of optimizing blogs, they think of search engines being able to easily find and index all that amazing content you have. However, you also need to optimize your user (reader) experience so that readers don't abandon your blog even if they like your content. WHY OPTIMIZING YOUR BLOG IS IMPORTANT Engagement and retention. People are more apt to visit, re-visit, and link to a blog that looks fantastic and reads easily. Optimization leads to more conversions. If people like your content and stick to your site, they are far more apt to buy from you. HOW TO OPTIMIZE YOUR BLOG FOR READERS Appearances count . Hire a designer to get a custom interface for your blog. You don't want it to look like any other blog that uses the same exact design. Starting with a template is fine, but it should reflect your branding and/or personality that will make it unique. A generic-looking site doesn't get many repeat visitors. Put quality images in your po

SEO-How Important in 2017?!

Make no mistake: SEO (also called search engine optimization) is by far one of the most powerful weapons that businesses have in order to gain the type of visibility they need to remain competitive in a crowded marketplace. If your business ISN’T planning on embracing SEO in 2017 and beyond, you could be leaving a lot of money on the table in a wide range of different ways. Why is SEO So Important? Learn About Our Agency, HERE SEO is so essential to any business’ marketing efforts because of how it allows them to connect with both potential and existing customers in powerful and organic ways. Consider the fact that according to one study , 93% of ALL online experiences begin with a search engine. This means that if someone is looking for a product or service like the one you offer, their journey to your business probably begins with an engine like Google. Now, consider the fact that between 70 and 80% of all users ignore paid ads and instead give all their attention to orga