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Showing posts from April, 2016

Why Instagram is Important For Your Small Business

Learn 5 Reasons Instagram is Important For Your Business.  Engagement - As some of you might know the ability to reach followers on Twitter and Facebook has become difficult without forking out money.   Instagram is not as saturated yet , so the opportunity to create brand awareness and generate a following is a little easier. Audience -You might think that Instagram is just for kids, but I can assure you that it's not.  You will see below that Instagram has 34% of the social market share as well as  the largest amount of time spent on site per channel (very important) . The longer they are on the site, the more opportunities exist for users to interact with your brand.  Source- Comscore Competitive Advantage -Only   9%  of small businesses are currently utilizing Instagram. There is still time to get in early and relay your message without so much competition.   Branding -Today, people want to know who the person is behind the brand.   People like to connec