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Showing posts from July, 2018

Why Keyword Research Is So Vital In Digital Marketing?

This question “Why Keyword Research Is the Most Important Part of Digital Marketing ?” , actually baffles us from all the angles. My God this is the biggest question of all, Why? Well for starters we see two things in the title of the article. keyword research & digital marketing The truth is that the entire science of digital marketing is tied to keywords. Keywords are the holy grail of the digital marketing and digital mass communication systems. Nothing in the world of digital marketing would move without keywords. The audience and the marketers only have one thing to reach each other in the digital world and that's the keywords. Keywords are like addresses that you give out and seek to reach your destination online. Having the wrong keywords in your web presence is like sending the wrong address of your shop to your customers. Visitors will come but they won't serve any purpose, and the right ones will never reach you. It's that serious. See keyword res

Welcoming New Digital Marketing Clients

Welcome New Digital Marketing Clients Our Boutique Digital Marketing Agency Located In Indianapolis, Indiana is Growing And We Want To Share Some Info About Our New Clients So You Can Learn And Benefit From These Growing Brands.  Our New Digital Marketing Clients... 1. Bridges Of Hope Treatment Center: A drug and alcohol treatment center located in Anderson, Indiana. Bridges of hope offers cutting-edge programs and treatments that are designed to fit the needs of the individual. They aren’t just treating a disease, they are treating people. Their programs are flexible, integrating health and wellness, family participation, unique therapies and 12 step programs. 2. Nelson Alarm: Nelson Alarm is located in Indianapolis, Indiana and prides itself on being a full service provider of quality burglar and fire alarm systems throughout Indiana. Our motto says it all "Only The Best!" Our team of technicians under

3 SEO Mistakes To Avoid

In terms of website visibility and the ongoing success of your business, SEO (search engine optimization) is still one of the most powerful assets you have available to you in the modern era. Having said that, the SEO game in general is also constantly changing - the best practices of even a year ago are, by and large, woefully inadequate today. Because of that, there are a number of critical modern day SEO mistakes that you would do well to avoid at all costs. the keyword conundrum Gone are the days where SEO success was all about stuffing as many keywords into the copy on your website as possible. These days, not only is that an ineffective way to rank highly in search engines - it's also a great way to get you penalized by sites like Google, too. You must resist the urge to keyword stuff because any gains that you do see will be short-lived at best and the consequences of getting caught are far too severe to risk. Having said that, none of this means that keywords aren'