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Showing posts from January, 2018

Facebook Recent Update - What's going on?

Despite the fact that Facebook itself is about to celebrate its 14th birthday later this year, the world's most popular social network still happens to be among its most powerful - particularly if you're a marketer. As a platform, Facebook still averaged roughly 2 billion monthly active users as of June of 2017 - with about half of those users checking in at least once per day. Most people access Facebook an average of eight times per day according to comScore and it's a perfect opportunity for you to potentially reach as many as 68% of all adults in the United States at one time. But just because Facebook itself shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon doesn't mean that it hasn't changed dramatically since its original launch. Facebook was originally exclusive to a select few college campuses, for example, before rolling out to every Internet-connected user worldwide. From a certain perspective, periodic massive changes are built into the site's very DNA.