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Showing posts from September, 2017

How Does Search And Social Media Mix?

If you have taken the time to research the topic of how social media can affect your business’ SEO, then you have probably seen a few conflicting views. People who do not view a correlation between the two are held up on one factor. Search engines do not rank businesses higher on search results for who has the most Facebook likes or Twitter followers. This is true but that is narrow-minded thinking. Search engines have an algorithm that has so many factors that it filters through and utilizing social media hits on enough of them to make a huge difference! External Linking Search engines recognize inbound and external links to and from credible sites as a huge influence in their ranking system. If you have social media channels, we recommend you put links on your website to your social channels as well as a link on your social channels to your website. Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and the rest of the social channels are viewed by search engines