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Showing posts from November, 2016

2017 Social Media Tips You Don't Wanna Ignore!

2017's going to be here before you know it, and as you finalize your holiday plans and think about New Year's resolutions it's also time to think about your social strategy for the new year. Social media is very flash in the pan and what's working now might not work over the next 12 months. Here's some aspects of your overall marketing strategy that you can't ignore in 2017 when it comes to social media. Learn More About Our Agency, HERE 1. Your content strategy and how it ties in with your social media presence. Content is king, and if you haven't jumped on the content calendar bandwagon yet then you really have to. Regularly posting helpful content goes a long way, and tweeting quality content that your following is hankering for 3 times a day strikes the right balance between silence and spamming. Content can also be evergreen and the best value for your time and money. 2. Live streaming is the hot new thing. Social media trends come and go, an

Investing In Social Media..Worth It?

There’s a lot of misconceptions about using the paid features of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. People frequently say that spending money on Facebook ads isn’t worth it and that promoted tweets don’t produce any action. But if that were true, why would these options be offered in the first place? Buying Traffic =/= Buying Followers There is also a darker side to the paid aspects of social media, one of them being followers. If your Facebook page has been lacking in likes and your follower count on Twitter isn’t very impressive, you might’ve been tempted by services that sell you followers. Never, ever buy followers! This is a dirty tactic that won’t actually do anything to grow your brand. The person selling you followers will artificially increase your count with bots that won’t actually engage with you or buy what you’re selling. However, when you do a promoted tweet or take out ad space on Facebook it’s not on the same page as this shady practice. Paid social


One of the hottest buzzwords floating around the internet marketing sphere is "influencer marketing". Influencers have large social media followings, frequent media appearances like TV spots and guest columns, and a great deal of respect in their industries and communities. What makes influencers special?... Influence marketers are respected experts because people listen to them opposed to being listened to for being an expert: many ace food bloggers don't have culinary degrees Latching onto an influencer's following is ideal because their words aren't interpreted as advertising. This has become the hot new thing. With their popularity comes challenges.  Their legion of followers also want their endorsement, so it's hard to get their attention. Here's some ways you can stand out to influencers in your niche: Start small.  Start with interacting in helpful ways on comment threads on the influencer's writing and videos. Make comments, like,

Is Your Website Secure and Recently Updated?

If there's one thing that's ever a constant in the fast-paced world of keeping up your online presence? It's change. When Google updates their organic search algorithms, it can seem veritably earth-shattering for small businesses and the search marketing professionals who serve them. The algorithm actually changes anywhere from 500-600 times a year. However, these changes are so subtle that users and SEO experts don't pick up on it. Major updates on the other hand can be a game-changer. With the arrival of Penguin 4.0, which you can read about on the Google Webmaster Central Blog , key changes include Penguin becoming more granular and working in real-time. Prior to unearthing Penguin 4.0, many site owners hit the panic button. You don't need to do this as it can just create unnecessary work. Now that we know what the story is with Penguin 4.0, you can focus on honing your SEO strategy instead of worrying about how these changes could adversely impact your website