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Showing posts from 2015

Social Media Opportunities in Indianapolis Indiana

SOCIAL MEDIA OPPORTUNITIES IN INDIANAPOLIS: As social media continues to evolve its important to understand the opportunities that exist in this media category.  At Christopher August we are constantly evaluating social media user trends and data.  Our goal is to position our clients on the best channels for the audience they are trying to capture.    Take a look at the social media trends in the U.S. and how that translates to opportunities in Indianapolis, Indiana.  CURRENT POPULATION:  INTERNET USERS IN UNITED STATES:  SOCIAL MEDIA USERS IN UNITED STATES: PERCENTAGE OF USERS PER SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNEL:  71% of online adults use Facebook 23% of online adults use Twitter 26% use Instagram 28% use Pinterest 28% use LinkedIn 38% use Google+ WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR INDIANAPOLIS BUSINESSES: 1.  Businesses have the opportunity to reach 71% of the Indianapolis population by setting up and utilizing all the tools that Facebook has to offer.  That is 605, 534 t